In 2018, the Italian book is confirmed as the first cultural industry in the country and the fourth edition in Europe. In the context of a general slowdown in the national economy, however, it recorded a -0.4% turnover, after + 5.8% in 2017, in the trade channels (bookshops, large-scale retail trade, online stores including the Amazon estimate by the IEA).
About 1,442 billion euros are available at the cover price. The bookstore remains the preferred sales channel for readers and young people, intercepting 69% of 2018 buyers. The weight of online bookstores is growing, accounting for 24% of book purchases (1 book out of 4 today you buy this way; 3.5% in 2007). The large distribution covers 7% of sales (it was 17.5% in 2007, 8.7% last year). It grows (even if weaker than in the years 2010-2016) the ebook market, which has reached 67 million euros, equal to about 5% of the varied trade market.