Milan, 15 December 2023 – “We started with eight collaborators from our first office in Milan. It was 1998 and today – says Stefan Brandes, Managing Partner of Rödl & Partner in Italy – after a fantastic journey Rödl & Partner in Italy is a reality more than consolidated, with two hundred and fifty collaborators and professionals spread across four offices, appreciated and established on the market and alongside leading international and national companies active in our country“.

Rödl & Partner is one of the most important multidisciplinary professional firms at an international level in the areas of legal and tax consultancy, audit services, labor consultancy and administrative outsourcing services, present in 50 countries with 105 offices, in which 5,500 operate professionals. In the last financial year the firm had a global turnover of over 588 million euros, an increase of +10% and more.

In Italy Rödl & Partner has 250 collaborators and professionals and operates through offices in Milan, Rome, Padua and Bolzano. In 2022 Rödl & Partner in Italy exceeded 27 million in turnover, up by +13.6%, thus representing one of the most important countries in the firm’s international network.

“Italy is one of the key countries for our firm not only on an economic level, but above all in terms of what your country represents in the world – comments Christian Rödl, President of the Management Board of Rödl & Partner – Italy is the founding country of The European Union, member of the G7, with a geographically strategic position between East and West and North and South of the Mediterranean, with an immense history and culture. A country – continues Christian Rödl – with a strong, innovative, dynamic industry and with that wealth of SMEs that together define and represent one of the most powerful and appreciated ‘brands’ in the world: Made in Italy. And we are happy – concludes Rödl – in these 25 years, thanks to the wonderful Italian team, to have contributed to the development and success of Italian companies, as well as that of international brands, which we have assisted in growing and developing business in your wonderful country ”.

The consultancy activity focuses on the areas of tax, commercial, banking, corporate and labor law, on audit services, with particular attention to the respective applications at an international level, as well as in the field of new technologies and sustainability, with focus specific to CSR, sustainable finance, legal tech, e-commerce, data protection, cybersecurity, whistleblowing.

“Today we celebrate 25 years of success, but also and above all the next twenty-five, in which we want to be protagonists in Italy and in a world that is changing at an accelerated pace. Think – underlines Stefan Brandes, Managing Partner of Rödl & Partner in Italy – of the incredible transformations that our profession itself is undergoing, not only due to regulatory updates or the challenges of artificial intelligence, but precisely because more and more companies have need our support in a form of 360-degree partnership that allows them to continue to grow in a successful but sustainable way.”


Rödl & Partner press office in Italy
Purple & Noise PR


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